Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fear of Rejection / You are Amazing

I used to have this huge fear of rejection; that if I put myself out there, someone could devalue me. The truth is that we are continually rejected, by our friends, our family members, opportunities. It's nothing to do with us. Sometimes they need their own space. Sometimes they have something going on that doesn't allow them to be there. And sometimes someone's role in our life is complete. 

But the good news, rejection does not lessen your value. You are valuable no matter what. So, I have started telling people how much I like them and when I want to see them, instead of waiting for them to call me. I am honest about my feelings and intentions. 

And just in case you are wondering,  you are valuable. You play many different roles in many different lives that you are totally unaware of. You have strengths that create and weaknesses that humble and give a chance to lean on other. 

You are amazing. Never doubt that. 

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