Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I identidy as bisexual or pansxeual. Pansexual means that I love people whereever they identify on the spectrum of sexual identities. Basically, I don't have a type. What really is important to me that we have a mental, emotional and physical chemistry. I have dated feminine women, masculine men, masculine women, and feminine women.

However, the only people I have really brought home have been men. This is because I struggle with bringing someone home that will not be accepted by my family. I feel like a black sheep. I am not religious. I am liberal. I already conflict everything my family wants from me. I brought home a person who identified as two spirit that I started to date. Someone made a comment, not to me, but to another relative, "When did Sarah become a lesbian?" I also had another family member that told me that they would still love me but I may not be invited to some things... Another time, someone not related to me, someone who was gay, said to me, that bisexuals are perverts....  How could I bring someone into a place of so much conflict and heartache? I have not allowed myself to fully explore the potential of being with a woman because as much as my family drives me crazy, I deeply love them and respect them, and do not want to lose them.

Therefore, I continue to date those who I can bring home. Happy #NationalComingOutDay for those who have found peace and peace to those who have yet to find it.