Friday, February 20, 2015

Self Love means to me....

Self love means to me....

that I can look in a mirror and tell myself how wonderful I am
I am patient and kind to myself when I make mistakes, because mistakes are inevitable
I accept compliments and believe what others have to say about my positive characteristics
I seek out what makes me happy. I deserve happiness.
I love my body, no matter if it matches what the world around me describes as beauty. My body is strong. My body carries me every day to where I need to be. I take care and love my body through healthy choices, and I indulge when I choose.
I say no to relationships that are draining.
I say yes to events that I want in my life, despite the judgments of others
I believe that I am fine, even wonderful, the way I am
I am patient with my hard days, the days where I am not happy and I am frustrated.
Self love means I love myself despite my brat, moody moments.
Self love means I am strong and I always find my way to where I need to be.
I accept love from others without questioning whether I am worthy
Self love means I love others right where they are, despite their differences
I make weird faces and noises without shame

I love myself and my strengths and imperfections wholly (well more and more every day :))

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Sometimes sadness and emotions are to much.
Your own sadness and frustration can get depressing.
Being there for others can get overwhelming.
Pain is hard.

But pain shows us the path.

It opens our eyes to what is no longer serving a purpose.
An aspect of life that has expired in functionality and it is time to change.
The act of changing may be hard, but once complete,
Peace can come with the right frame of mind.

Pain is a motivator to fix what needs addressing.

Sometimes it is your mind frame.
Thoughts such as "I am not good enough" challenge you to love yourself.
The thought is incorrect, therefore it hurts.
If you feel alone, make time to connect with others, learning about them first.

Pain is the path to happiness.

Experience it. Be grateful to feel.
Sometimes experiences seem cruel.
But it is okay.
You will be okay, if you only choose to thrive.

Photo Cred: Me