Monday, August 11, 2014

My understanding of existence -

My understanding is that we are spiritual and physical. There is a realm of energy that we access through meditation, prayers, dreams, or even visions perhaps. Some of the people that I have talked to believe that we are in a dream in where nothing really exists. I don't believe that to be true. Our experiences are real. There is matter and existence outside of our perception. Each consciousness is unique. I am me and you are you. But we are not that different or separated. 

Life begins in the energy of the spiritual plane. Our thoughts shape our perception and beliefs, which shape our feelings and actions. Our self talk is a ripple that begins in the mind, and ripples into the physical world. Our thoughts can create whatever we want them to. There is action that is required though. Just because you think you want to run a marathon, you dream of it and put that energy out there, you need to put your feet in motion in the physical plane. There are also thoughts that work against us; thoughts that lead to imbalance and addictions. For me, I enjoy alcohol. My brain is constantly solving the worlds problems (don't know if you noticed that's what I do lol). Alcohol slows those thoughts so I can relax. Ideally, I would meditate and calm my mind on my own. I haven't reached that level yet. I'm not an alcoholic. I drink on the weekends and socially. I will drink wine by myself occasionally but I don't need rehab, so no one call 911 haha I am sharing my experiences to make a point. There are thoughts that can be  less than helpful and create imbalances. You have to stare those fears in the face and move through them. You will do that when you are ready. I do have my own vices that I confront when I am ready to accept the fear and then change my thoughts surrounding it. 

One other thing I have noticed with our individual consciousness is that we are interacting and bumping into each other. We plays distinct roles in each other's lives. I am grateful to have you on my journey. Yes you, reading and interacting with me. I bet you have taught me something and shown me love. Thank you for being on my journey and allowing me to be on yours. We existed before this life. And we will exist after. We come to this physical plane to create. We our creators of the physical plane, of our lives and of others lives. 

My advice is to observe your thoughts. Are you speaking in your mind the things you want to ripple into reality? Every time you remind yourself that you are not happy, that will come about. But if you tell yourself you are what you want to be every day, you will see those signs and symptoms manifest into your life. Be careful with your thoughts and your words. 

Forever love, 
Sarah Anderson 

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