Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Religion

I've been exploring different religions and different philosophies of life. I grew up Mormon. I've learned about Catholicism and other Christianity churches. I've learned a little about Hindu and researched some of the new age energy thought. I'm also familiar with existentialism. The closest concept that appeals to me is Buddhism. I know that life can have whatever meaning you place to it, meaningful or meaningless. I know we are energy that is influenced by thoughts and prayers and meditation. I know there is energy continuance after death because I can sense it. But the details don't matter to me. Whether you call him Jehovah or Jesus, Allah or even the universe, I am going to live my life the way I know I should live it. I feel a sense of purpose, and that's all that matters. I also know what works today, may not work tomorrow. The lotus flower that blossoms today, wilts tomorrow. Attachment to a current situation brings pain and disappointment when it changes. But change is inevitable. They classify a Buddhist as someone who joins the Buddhist community. I don't really need a community. Humankind is my community and I am a self study. 

So my moral of the story, I don't want or need a religion. I will follow what is true to my heart and my mind, which is pure as I can try. I do not associate myself with the Mormon religion. Please discontinue treating me as a sheep that has fallen from the fold that you are waiting to come back,  or talking to me like you would a jack Mormon. I'm not Mormon and I do not consider myself as such. 

I know this will break my family's heart, but I hope they will have faith that I'm a good person and I will live a full and satisfying life. 


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