Wednesday, November 25, 2015

This year I am grateful for...

Learning to love people exactly where they are.

Not where I want them to be. Not where I think they should be. Not what I think they should be.

Letting go in utter uncontrolled peace.

People are who they are, exactly where they, without interference me, despite my influence

And that's just they way it is.

And I chose to love them and accept them where they are.

I don't have to fix them, I don't have to convince them there is a better way. Life will do that.

When it's time. It's not my mission to save the world, or even one person.

My only mission is to save me, and for that I am grateful. I can only control me.

No one else.

So one else will be what they will be.

And for the people that love me too, I will never forget. Thank you. This is for you <3xo

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