Saturday, November 21, 2015

Stall My Wander

And I am demanding with my life. 
I push the envelope and say what I think.
But with you, that's not who you are. 
You color inside the lines 
And stay within the box 
I want to demand that you come out of that box and come play with me 
But you don't 
You like your box and your security 
For me to love you 
I must climb into your box 
It's quite small, and a little damp 
And muggy and dark 
But I can hold you while I'm here 
I apologize but I can't stay long 
My muscles ache for movement 
And I love the fresh air of freedom 
I wish I could build you a bigger box 
Where we would both be cozy 
And I could stall my wander a little bit longer 

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