Thursday, December 10, 2015


I've been thinking about God a lot, trying to write a logical argument to prove or disprove the existence of a spiritual creator and the purpose of the act of our creation. 

The first idea was progress - that we were created to progress. If you apply the physics law of space time, there is no time, so there is no progress, because space time is already laid out in infinite directions, both ways, and yet, here we are, experiencing it. 

The idea of creating us - nothing is newly created, only shaped. Matter has always existed, just changed form. From the Big Bang, to star matter, to the carbon in our bones. Apply this to spirit matter. Spirit has always been, possibly creating the individual spirit body. Our physical DNA contains history from the beginning of DNA. Wouldn't spirit matter do the same? If spirit matter contains all knowledge, when it is duplicated into an individual, would individual experiences be needed for progress? Wouldn't they already be contained, accessible to spirit? 

The idea of spirit is all knowing. When people have out of body experiences, they have thoughts and feelings of all seeing and all loving. If outside this physical body, we are everything, why would we need to experience? Just for the plain fact of existing and experiencing, leaving nirvana to experience ourselves, played out in the beautiful drama of love and pain? 

I've circled round and round with arguments of what and why. And the only thing that I can come up with is my experiences. I'm only trusting in how I feel and the small miracles that come into play. I have asked questions and blatantly had answers show up. I also think that if there is a spiritual all knowing outside of this body, this body limits the understanding of the spirit, so I wouldn't be able to comprehend the argument for why anyways with my limited, emotional, time bound, finite mind. Thoughts? 

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