Thursday, November 19, 2015

Beauty in the Every Day

The news has been a scary place lately. My anxiety has risen with current events. I have found myself sucked into the thousands of possibilities, all of which I have no control over. Our society and culture have molded us to focus on the glamorous, focusing on what should be perfect. It heightens my anxiety. 

Today, I have found peace in finding beauty in the average. Being present in my warm cup of coffee. Making plans with my friends for Friday night. My cat curling up against my feet, as I sit cuddled in my cold basement watching a kid movie. Most of life is average. It is beautiful. It is predictable and secure. Sure, the world may end tomorrow, but most likely not. The odds are in your favor. I have eaten today. I am out of the cold. I have friends and family who love me. When I focus on what is within my control, and not all of these things moving around me, I find peace. I find solace in my soul. Being present. Feeling gratitude for what I have. Whenever I forget to appreciate, my focus turns to what is wrong, what I don't have, what I am not. 

I am trying to change my mindset, to focus on the positive, to actively thank each positive thing in my life, to love more. I am human. I am not perfect. But when my mind frame is in the right place, my world is beautiful. I do believe in making an impact wherever I can. I am responsible for making a positive impact on the world, but I am not responsible for saving the world. 

Much Love 
Sarah Ruth Anderson 

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