Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dedicated to those who are not safe

Every day, there are children taken into sex slavery. Somewhere, there is a wife getting the shit beat out of her again. Right now, a man is strapping a bomb to his chest because he is told it is the only way to make social change. His victims that are either going to die or lose limbs are preparing to leave their homes. An animal is choking on a piece of plastic or gum someone threw out. A child is dying of painful hunger. Someone suffering from depression is quietly making it stop. If you are reading this and you are safe, be grateful. If you are not currently safe, I pray for safety for you. If you will never experience safety again in this lifetime, I pray for a better after life. Whether that is the quiet dirt or some floating, peaceful heaven. If you are in a safe position, please help others who are not as fortunate. 

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