Friday, February 5, 2016

Existential wonder ~

I am not my thoughts. 
I am not my mind. 
I am not my body, or my hands, or the shine within my eyes. 
I am the energy that combines into atoms which bunches into form. 
I am not my beliefs or my ideas. 
I am not my inadequacies or my strengths. 
I am the star's dust, a carbon form. 
I am eternal, not because of something spiritual, but because of something celestial.
I don't know if I am a soul 
Or just the recognition that I am form of
something that is here existing. 
I am not the cells multiplying, rejuvenating then dying. 
I am not the moods that fluctuate with my chemistry. 
I am not the perception of my interactions with others. 
I can't really tell you if I am. Or if I just think I am existing. 

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