Saturday, August 15, 2015

What I want

I think I've come to a time in my life where I have to admit to myself what I truly want, and how that may be different from what I have been told of what I should want. 

Maybe I don't want to get married again. Maybe I just want a really awesome, kick ass significant other. 
Maybe I don't want kids. Maybe I just want to be an awesome aunt and mother to all the children of the world. 
Maybe I don't want lavish things. Just homey spaces and places. 
Maybe I want a half time career and a half time hobby. 
Maybe I want to be a leader of happiness for our community. 
Maybe I want to be a best friend to many. 
Maybe I want to be openly sexy while maintaining my dignity. 
Maybe I want to speak my mind and my peace, even if it's not socially acceptable. 
Maybe I want to take risks and fuck the repercussions. 
Maybe I just want to break all the rules and create my own. 

1 comment:

  1. Good list. Maybe as a last line,
    Maybe, I should get up. Hhahaha Good flow.
